Membership survey, December 2015

The following has been sent out to everyone on the WDC email list. If for some reason you’ve not on that list but want to respond to the survey, please send your responses to johnbroughton [at]


Please help out the club by answering the following questions. Thanks!


  1. Boundaries.

The club officers have discussed an expansion of the club boundaries, so that the club officially covers an area larger than just Windsor and the immediate area around Windsor. Specifically, the club boundaries would be expanded to include Healdsburg and areas north to the Sonoma County line.

What do you think of this idea?



  1. Club name. If the club boundaries were expanded as described in #1, the club would need to be renamed. The most obvious new name is “Windsor/North County Democratic Club”. What do you think of that name, and do you have a suggestion for another name?



  1. Phone calls. Before each monthly meeting (January through October), several volunteers make reminder phone calls to those on the club roster.

If this something that you’d be willing to help with, please indicate that:



  1. County Fair. Each year, the Sonoma County Democratic Party has a booth at the Sonoma County Fair. WDC provides staffing for two days of the fair; in 2015 these were two Saturdays. Each shift is either three or four hours; in 2015 we needed a total of 12 volunteers (three shifts per day, two volunteers per shift).

If this is something that you might be willing to help with in 2016, please indicate that. [Volunteers get free admission to the fair.]



  1. Other. Do you have any other comments or suggestions that you’d like to made to the club officers?


1 comment

    • Kay Ashbrook on December 21, 2015 at 9:21 pm
    • Reply

    1. Definitely. We had a great turnout each month in Healdsburg for our previous N. Sonoma Co. Democratic Club. I think it folded when I left
    2. I think “and” is better
    3. A yearly scheduling with a Friday email is fine
    4. I try to volunteer each year. It’s a huge undertaking–thanks, Edie!
    5. Thanks for doing all this. I still hope to come back.

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