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Windsor Democratic Club Bylaws

(last amended May 14, 2015)

Mission Statement

The Windsor Democratic Club’s mission is to elect Democrats to office in Windsor and the surrounding region and to advocate for local issues of importance to our membership.



Section 1: The name of this organization will be the Windsor Democratic Club.

Section 2: THE Windsor Democratic Club will be chartered with the Sonoma County Democratic Party and shall take no action that is inconsistent with the bylaws of either the Sonoma County Democratic Party or the California Democratic Party.


ARTICLE II – Membership

Section 1: Any registered Democrat or decline to state residing in Windsor and the surrounding region will be eligible to become a member of the Windsor Democratic Club.

Section 2: Only registered Democrats shall be voting members of the Windsor Democratic Club. Those who are registered Decline To State shall be associate members.

Section 3: Membership will not be affected by race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, disability, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.

Section 4: To be member in good standing, a person must have done at least one of the following during the past 24 months: (a) paid dues, or had dues waived because of financial hardship; (b) attended at least one meeting of the club; (c) volunteered for a club-related activity, such as door-to-door canvassing.


ARTICLE III – Officers

The officers of the Windsor Democratic Club are as follows. Each officer shall be elected by majority vote of the members present and voting. Each officer shall serve a term of Two years. Vacancies may be filled by majority vote of the members present and voting.

  1. Chair
  2. Vice-Chair
  3. Treasurer
  4. Secretary
  5. Meeting Program Director


ARTICLE IV – Officer Duties

Section 1: The Chair will preside over all meetings. The Chair will have all of the following duties and powers. The absence of a specific power or duty from this list is not necessarily a denial of its existence.

A. Establish administrative procedures not otherwise provided for by bylaws.

B.  Act for and on behalf of the Club when they are not in session.

C. Establish the agenda for each Executive Board meeting.

D. Be an ex-officio member of all committees that may be formed from time to time.

Section 2: Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair will have all the following duties and powers:

A.  Act as Chair Pro-Tempore in the absence of the Chair.

B.  Assist the Chair.

Section 3: The Treasurer will have all the following duties and powers:Maintain books and records for the Club, including bank accounts.

A. File any statutory reports required by the governmental entities.

B.  Provide a financial account to the Sonoma County Democratic Party upon request of the chartering organization.

Section 4: The Secretary will have all the following duties and powers:

A.  Keep accurate minutes of all meetings.

B.  Keep an accurate mailing list and phone directory of all members.

C.  Submit membership roster to the SCDP, CDP, or other official Party entity.

Section 5: The Meeting Program Director will have all the following duties and powers:

A.  Schedule the location for general meetings.

B.  Arrange for speakers or other program elements for general meetings.


ARTICLE V – Executive Committee

Section 1: The Club’s Executive Committee will be the chief policy making body for the Windsor Democratic Club.

Section 2: The Club’s Executive Committee will include elected officers of the Windsor Democratic Club.

Section 3: The Executive Board will have all the powers necessary for the proper and legal execution of all duties of the Windsor Democratic Club.


Article VI – Membership Dues

Section 1: The membership may establish reasonable membership dues by majority vote.

Section 2: No person eligible for membership may be denied membership due to financial hardship. In cases of financial hardship, no membership dues may be assessed against any person eligible for membership.

Section 3: Payment of dues, and dues waivers issued, shall apply for the calendar year in which they occur.


ARTICLE VII –Endorsements and Voting

Section 1: The Windsor Democratic Club shall only endorse a candidate for a partisan office if the California Democratic Party has endorsed them.

Section 2: The Windsor Democratic Club shall only endorse a candidate for a non-partisan office if the Sonoma County Democratic Party has endorsed them.

Section 3: A Two-Thirds vote of the members present and voting shall be required for endorsement.

Section 4: For all votes other than those specifically requiring a Two Thirds or unanimous vote by specific citation in these bylaws, a simple majority of members present and voting will carry a motion.


ARTICLE VIII – Delegates.

Section 1: Delegates representing the Windsor Democratic Club at higher-level caucuses or conventions will be selected by a club caucus.

Section 2: Such a caucus must be announced to members at least 35 days in advance.

Section 3: Voting at such a caucus will be limited to those who are members in good standing as of 14 days prior to the date of the caucus.

Section 4: Any person selected as a delegate also must be a member in good standing as of 14 days prior to the date of the caucus.

Section 5: Half of the club’s delegates shall be Female self-identified, when possible.”


ARTICLE IX – Bylaw Amendments
Section 1: Amendments to these by-laws must be submitted in writing to the Chair and Secretary at least five weeks (35 days) prior to the meeting at which the amendment will be considered. The Chair is obligated to provide notice, including a copy of the proposed amendment, at least four weeks (28 days) prior to the meeting at which the amendment will be considered. The Chair is obligated to place the amendment on the agenda for that meeting.

Section 2: A Two-Thirds vote of the members present and voting shall be required to amend these bylaws.


ARTICLE X – Expulsion of Members

Section 1: A member may be expelled if the member has engaged in work contrary to the mission of the organization, including endorsement or working actively for the election of a Non-Democrat in any election for partisan office or for actions that damage the Club or the Club’s reputation.

Section 2: A vote to expel shall require either a Two-Thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting at a general meeting or by the unanimous vote of the Executive Committee meeting in a regularly scheduled Executive Committee meeting.

Section 3: Any member expelled shall be allowed a right of appeal at the meeting immediately following the vote to expel. The Chair shall automatically add such appeal to the Agenda for the next meeting. A vote to expel shall be upheld after appeal by either a Two-Thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting at a general meeting or by the unanimous vote of the Executive Committee meeting in a regularly scheduled Executive Committee meeting.