Will Democrats build on 2018? A view from Indivisible

At the February 28th meeting of the Windsor Democratic Club, Larry Martin, a member of Indivisible Sonoma County, and head of its Out of District committee, will provide his analysis of the 2018 House of Representatives elections. His focus will be on what has been learned, and what Democrats can do to continue to gain ground in 2020.

Born, raised, and educated in Kansas, Larry Martin spent most of his life working as an electronics engineer. He started his own company, and has done research and development for numerous companies throughout the U.S. He is a serious amateur photographer.

Typical of many Indivisible members, he was never active in politics until after the 2016 elections, although he always voted. He has dedicated the last two years to electoral politics, working with the Indivisible organization to change Congress.

The Windsor Democratic Club meets the fourth Thursday of every month except November and December. This month the meeting will be on the last Thursday of the month, February 28. The club meets at Windsor Round Table Pizza restaurant from 7 to 9 pm. The meeting is free and open to all, and pizza is provided.

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