Windsor/North County Democrats at the County Fair!

Every year at the Sonoma County Fair, the Sonoma County Democratic Party (SCDP) has a booth. This year it’s incredibly important to engage the public about the issues facing our country. Democrats have always fought for the rights of everyone and for better living conditions. But we face an onslaught of big money and propaganda that has lead to Republicans controlling the Presidency, Congress, and most state governments. That’s why it’s more important than ever to have a fully-staffed Democratic booth to talk to people about what can and is being done to elect more Democrats and to protect Democratic-supported policies now in effect.

The Windsor club has volunteered this year (as in past years) to staff the booth on two days. Those days are Thursdays, August 3rd and August 10th, with three shifts each day (11 a.m. to 3 p.m., 3 to 7 p.m., and 7 to 10 p.m.), and three volunteers per shift. The SCDP will handle booth set-up and take-down, so there is no need to be early for the 3 p.m. shift or to stay late if doing the final shift. Volunteers will be provided a ticket for free entry for their day of volunteering.

If you’re interested in helping staff the booth, please email or phone Rick Massell, the club president, at or 707-696-9364. If you want to volunteer for a specific shift or shifts, and you email Rick, please include the date(s) and time(s) in your email.

Detailed information on the Sonoma County Fair can be found here:

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